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How to Rotate Subject & Mail Content ? Is there any way i can send multiple subject and mail content in same task on rotation?

ReplyThanks 2018/02/28 14:10:59 0 1
How to Rotate Subject & Mail Content ? Is there any way i can send multiple subject and mail content in same task on rotation?
2018/02/28 15:03:45

Edit your content with {} format. Then program will auto rotate your subject, and content.

2020/03/10 15:46:18
And how to make a link rotation and randon in a letter?

I mean, my link to the invitation to register is unique, if you open it, it will be inactive for other recipients.

How to do as an example:

Hi, your bonus link for getting a promo LINK HERE ( link here - hyperlink ).


Is it possible to make the link give constantly different for different recipients?

link here1

link here2

link here3


2020/03/11 17:56:22
Use the variable feature as the screenshot above shows. Then the link it takes will be randomly.
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