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Not Working PVA Phone

ReplyThanks 2019/08/19 22:40:10 0 0

Ok, Is a fact that is missing a lot of countries that SMSPVA has. And the ones it has google, facebook, instagram and all those services said that the number has been already used. I need to know whitch one i have to use to create accounts succesfully. Why wont you update the other countries? I loose time and money trying to create accounts.

Actually must of the countries on your options are banned from Gmail to verify .. and wtf with vietnam and all these banned countries, please update it.

Dora Smith
2019/08/20 17:37:28


Sorry for the inconvenience.

Probably here are not enough phone number to use today.

Did you download the latest version of PVACreator? It is PVACreator v2.4.3. At present, actually, there are more than 40 countries you can choose, but we will take your suggestions into consideration. Please wait for news.

2019/08/20 22:56:09
I guess no, i have downloaded the one on webpage (standalone)
Dora Smith
2019/08/21 15:18:25

Sorry. The latest version is PVACreator v2.4.4. You can download it.

If you need more help, please contact us.

2022/12/12 07:16:49
4 # Dora Smith 2019/8/21 15:18:25

Sorry. The latest version is PVACreator v2.4.4. You can download it.

If you need more help, please contact us.

Where can i download it ??

Дмитро Жигайло
2023/09/16 01:40:08
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